This system has been installed in full accordance with the manufacturers specifications and meets AS/NZS 1657.2013, 1891.4.2009 & 4488.1.1997. The components used in this installed system have been manufactured and tested in accordance with AS/NZS 5532.2013. The components and installation of this system carry a limited warranty (see warranty terms and conditions provided by tredRITE Height Safety Specialists).
This Compliance Certificate has been prepared and compiled in accordance with AS/NZS 1657.2013, 1891.4.2009 & 4488.1.1997. The installed system complies with the above mentioned Standards and is to be inspected and recertified annually.
The final inspection and proof load testing has been completed in accordance with AS/NZS 4488.1.1997 & 1891.4.2009 and NSW WorkCover requirements. Hydraulic tester used in load testing: HydraJaws tester 2. Serial no.: 75292. Calibration due: 01/09/2014.
In the event of a fall, or damage to the system components, the entire system must be inspected and recertified before further use.