




Anchor Point Certification Sydney

Why Use tredRITE to Certify Your Height Safety System?

System inspections performed by tredRITE Height Safety use annually calibrated load testing equipment and include the following:

  • Tagging of all anchor points and other components with the date of inspection and next inspection dates clearly marked and labelled. Are all your anchor points tagged?
  • As per AS/NZS 1891.4.2009, a compliance plate must be fitted to every roof access point. Does every one of your roof access points have a compliance plate fitted?
  • On completion of the system audit, a detailed report with a 'Certificate of Inspection' issued within 76 hours. Do you have Certitification paperwork from your last 3 Audits?

tredRITE's report includes:

  • Photos that detail any “FAIL” components and relevant information as to why they have been tagged as such in accordance with Standards [AS/NZS 1657.2013, 1891.2009 and/or 4488.1997];
  • Photos that provide a visual understanding of the audited system and any required amendments to the system for it to comply with current Standards [AS/NZS 1657.2013, 1891.2009 and/or 4488.1997];
  • Documented notes with the attached photos explaining in simple English what needs to be done for the system to be brought into compliance with Standards [AS/NZS 1657.2013, 1891.2009 and/or 4488.1997]. This may include:
  1. The addition of walkways or guardrails [AS/NZS 1657.2013];
  2. An update of the system using deviation points that may never have been specified previously [AS/NZS 1891.2009];
  3. The update of rope access system that may require belay points or deviation points [AS/NZS 4488.1997].
  • Additional non-mandatory recommendations regarding the roof areas inspected to provide information on making the area safe. For example:
  1. Repairing rusted roof sheets that require replacing;
  2. Removing “out of order” or decommissioned equipment that may be rusting and/or causing damage to the roof area;
  3. Cleaning the roof area out from debris, which may be causing damage to the roof or gutters.